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Radiological Protection

Day & Zimmermann provides radiological services to meet the demands of the nuclear power industry. We deliver a comprehensive array of health physics, decontamination technicians, and radiological support services as a partner to nuclear power stations across the U.S. Our in-depth knowledge allows us to effectively and efficiently improve radiological protection programs. We provide the following services.

  • Radiological Engineers
  • ALARA Specialists
  • Radiation Protection Managers
  • Health Physics Technicians
  • Health physics support for integrated valve service work crews
  • Decontamination Technicians
  • Specialty decontamination services
  • End-of-job “lessons learned” reports for work specific outage activities

Our Radiological Services Division is currently used to fill both primary and back-up contract positions for online and refueling outage activities. Our ability to staff these positions is evidenced by our 99% average staffing rate for requested positions – a service level maintained for more than five years.

john ellison headshot


John Ellison, Sr. Director of Radiological Services , manages all aspects of D&Z's Radiological Services. 

Connect with John and his team to discuss your company's or site's specific needs by providing your contact information in the form.