Day & Zimmermann is a diverse company, and our team members come from many different backgrounds and experiences. As a company with a proud history of service to our Nation, we take great pride in knowing that many members of our team are veterans who have served and now bring their skills and talents to D&Z.
This Veteran’s Day, we take a moment to recognize our veterans, past and present, and thank them for their service. There are great examples in all of our groups, business units and staff units, of individuals who served. Our Government Services team has been highlighting “Veterans Still Serving,” and our Veterans Employee Resource Group (VERG)has been working for more than a month on appreciation messages for our veterans and their families. These are great examples of the respect, gratitude and reverence we have for our veteran team members.
A recent survey, sponsored by USAA, found that most younger veterans (70%) felt awkward when being thanked for their service. Older veterans found it more acceptable, but still, almost 25% found it awkward. What the study showed, and the resulting “Go Beyond Thanks” campaign is highlighting, is that we need to do more to actively support our veterans., beyond just thanking them. Many veterans struggle after their service, with PTSD and other mental and physical issues. That’s why the work of VERG and others is so important.
This Veteran’s Day, please do take time to thank and remember our veterans. I would also ask that you look for ways to support them in your communities throughout the year. Check on veteran family members, colleagues and friends. And if you are a veteran employee, or have veterans in your family, please remember that our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available not only to employees but also to their family members. Please use this valuable resource if you or a family member needs assistance.
Thank you to all of our veterans, especially those who have chosen to share their talents, experiences and perspectives with us here at D&Z.
Hal Yoh is Chair and CEO of Day & Zimmermann, a leader in construction & engineering, staffing and defense solutions for leading corporations and government agencies around the world. He is the third generation of the Yoh family to lead Day & Zimmermann—a family-owned business and former recipient of the U.S. National Family Business of the Year award. As chairman and chief executive officer since 1999, Hal has helped shape the strategic growth that the company has achieved over the last few decades.