This weekend, across the nation, we have seen peaceful protests as well as gut-wrenching scenes of destruction in our communities, following the violent and senseless death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. I am angered and disappointed by Mr. Floyd’s death, and the violence and looting that occurred in the aftermath including here in the city of Philadelphia where we have our corporate headquarters. I would like to send my condolences to the family of George Floyd and to all the families who have experienced a similar tragedy, and to let all of you know that as Chair and CEO, and as the Executive Sponsor of the Multicultural Resource Group, I am deeply committed to listening to all points of view and working to create an environment of inclusion and diversity in our communities and across Day & Zimmermann.
I would like to ask our managers and supervisors to check in with our employees, especially any employees who may be affected or distressed by this situation. Please make sure they feel connected, listened to, and valued as members of the Day & Zimmermann community, especially while many of us continue to work remotely. I can’t imagine what the black community is going through and what people of color feel and experience on a daily basis. But I know that as an ally and a parent, we all want the best for our children, our communities and our country. I would also ask us to keep in mind and support those who are working in positive ways to address this crisis and to remember all those who put themselves in harm’s way to keep our communities safe.
Safety is our company’s number one value, and while we have been talking a lot about the current pandemic and physical safety, it’s also important that we create a safe, and inclusive environment that allows all individuals to feel safe to do their best work, speak up, share ideas, and bring diverse points of view to our company. I will continue to work closely with the Executive Diversity & Inclusion Board, which I chair, and with the Employee Resource Groups and my leadership team to ensure our work environment supports these goals.
Benjamin Franklin said, “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” It’s our responsibility as Americans to help those who are oppressed and to make sure that we can all feel safe in our communities. None of us can feel safe until all of us feel safe. I urge you to take positive steps in your communities, and at Day & Zimmermann, to listen, help us learn from these challenging times, constructively address tough issues such as racial injustice, and help us heal and move forward.
Please stay safe and respect one another.
Hal Yoh,
Chair and CEO

Hal Yoh is Chair and CEO of Day & Zimmermann, a leader in construction & engineering, staffing and defense solutions for leading corporations and government agencies around the world. He is the third generation of the Yoh family to lead Day & Zimmermann—a family-owned business and former recipient of the U.S. National Family Business of the Year award. As chairman and chief executive officer since 1999, Hal has helped shape the strategic growth that the company has achieved over the last few decades.