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We Value Our Suppliers

Relationships with qualified suppliers who support the operation of our business are critical to Day & Zimmermann's ability to successfully deliver on its promises. We are actively committed to a selection process that provides all suppliers with an equal opportunity to submit for consideration information about their organizations, products and services.


Supplier Registration

Day & Zimmermann suppliers will be asked to register with the Day & Zimmermann Supplier Portal for invoicing purposes and profile maintenance. If you have already received your User ID for our new portal, click on the Active Suppliers link below to learn more.

Active Suppliers

Potential Suppliers

Potential suppliers who are interested in doing business with Day & Zimmermann may register with us through Supplier Gateway. This registration will also automatically list your company profile in the global SupplierGATEWAY network, with users in over 150 countries. There is no cost for this registration.

Our portal administrator will provide your information to our Supply Chain leaders for their consideration of your business. If a line of business’s Supply Chain is interested in pursuing a relationship with your company you will then be contacted directly and may receive a request to complete an additional questionnaire related to their line of business.

Information provided by your company will be treated in a confidential manner and will be subject to reasonable and prudent safeguards against improper disclosure.Registering as a potential supplier does not constitute approval of your company as a Day & Zimmermann supplier.

New potential supplier registration link: https://dayzim.suppliergateway.com/Registration/Registration.aspx

Registration help document link: https://suppliergateway.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/5337783136411-Supplier-Registration-Options

Doing Business with Day & Zimmermann Video

Doing Business with Day & Zimmermann PowerPoint

Doing Business with Day & Zimmermann: The Defense Industry Initiative Supplier Code of Conduct

We expect all subcontractors and supplier employees to act with honesty and integrity and deliver on their promises. As a long-time member of the Defense Industry Initiative on Business Ethics and Conduct (DII), Day & Zimmermann joins other defense companies who are committed to conducting business affairs at the highest ethical level and in full compliance with the law. To ensure the promotion of inter-organizational ethics (e.g. each part of the supply chain affects others), while limiting the number of codes flowed to common suppliers in the defense industry, we have officially replaced our former “Ethics Standards and Guidelines for Supplier Personnel” with the DII Model Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes an additional D&Z-specific one-page addendum. This document helps you understand your responsibility as a supplier to Day & Zimmermann and guides you if you are faced with an ethical issue.